As part of our commitment to tax transparency and compliance with global and local tax regulations, Inchcape plc is publishing its Public Country-by-Country Report (“CbCR”) in accordance with the EU Directive 2021/2101, which introduces mandatory public reporting requirements for multinational enterprises (MNEs) operating within the European Union. This directive, applicable to companies with consolidated revenues exceeding €750 million, aligns with the global trend toward increased corporate tax transparency and accountability.
The EU Directive requires the disclosure of key financial information on a country-by-country basis, which includes:
- Revenues (both third-party and intra-group);
- Profit or loss before income tax;
- Income tax paid and accrued;
- Accumulated earnings;
- Number of employees;
- Description of activities in each jurisdiction.
The Directive obliges multinational groups to publish this information for each EU member state in which they operate, as well as for certain non-EU jurisdictions classified as non-cooperative for tax purposes by the EU. In all other jurisdictions, aggregated information is provided, unless these jurisdictions are considered of strategic importance to the company.
At Inchcape plc, we recognize the critical role taxes play in contributing to the economic and social development of the countries in which we operate. This disclosure reflects our commitment to transparency in tax matters and highlights our compliance with the EU’s Public CbCR obligations, which aim to enhance stakeholder understanding of where and how multinationals like ours generate profits and pay taxes.
Each EU member state will adopt and transpose The EU Directive into their local legislation over time. For the Inchcape Group, Romania is the first member state to do so. This report covers our operations across 48 countries globally, with the information presented in line with the format and requirements stipulated by the Romanian legislation.
General information in relation to the ultimate parent of the group / Informatii generale cu privire la societatea mama finala din cadrul grupului
This Public CbCR includes data covering the accounting period 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023 and is reported by Inchcape plc, a company registered in the United Kingdom, as the Ultimate Parent Entity of the Inchcape Group. The publication is to satisfy the requirements of the Romanian legislation and is therefore made on behalf of the following Romanian entities affiliated to Inchcape plc:
Name of the Romanian company /
Denumirea societatii romanesti |
Toyota Romania S.R.L.
Inchcape Motors S.R.L. Inchcape Broker de Asigurare S.R.L. Inchcape Bravoauto S.R.L. |
FY2023 public CBCR file available in machine readable format here:
Required entity list extract available here:
The entity list is included in the files above
Information omitted for this financial year / Informatii omise pentru anul fiscal:
Inchcape plc is not disclosing specific information, in particular revenue, PBT and accumulated earnings, for countries in the European region in relation to the Group’s CbCR report for 2023. This is due to commercial confidentiality, in relation to competitive dynamics and the Group’s key commercial partnerships in the region.